Monday, January 28, 2008

Factoid about modern utensils

Thomas Coyate brought the first fork to England from Italy. They were 2-tined, like today's meat forks. The Americans imported knives from England and not forks. Since the knives had blunt ends, they used their spoons to hold their meat while cutting. Then they switched the spoon into the other hand to scoop up their food and eat it. To this day, we still switch hands with the utensil although we now use forks rather than spoons.

Originally knives had sharp points. Utensils were not provided at the table so guests used their own knives (usually hunting knives or weapons of war) to eat. King Louis XIV of France decreed that knives had to have a blunt end to stop the violence at the table.

The Greeks and Romans made spoons from wood.

Monkey out.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Yesterday, I made an Arabian trading boat out of K'nex. I also played with the Coliseum, and I had fun pretending to be in Roman times.

Saturday night, I saw a picture of a jackalope that Dad showed us. I guess it doesn't really exist though.

Monkey out.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Recent doings

I just learned how to do the Cat's Cradle, Eiffel Tower, and the Fly string games.

I'm taking more classes in taekwondo. I'm going 3 times this week. I'm working on my orange belt because I got my yellow belt in December.

Monkey out.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I am having a good day! I love monkeys! They are really fun because they do funny things.

One day I was at the Cincinnati Zoo when we saw 3 gorillas. The baby gorilla started doing funny stuff like falling off a log and made us laugh so hard! He loved it and kept doing funny stuff to keep us laughing.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy birthday, Aunt Heather!

Hope you had a happy birthday! From the former S-man!

About me

Hi! I'm Monkey1. I like to make people laugh. I like to climb, ride my bike, read books, make tents, tease the dog, and tell stories. I am homeschooled, and sometimes I don't like it because I don't like math. We have been doing a lot of math lately.

I love history. I am learning about Rome and how it got started.

I just finished the book Greek Myths, by Ingri and Edgar D'Aulaire. My favorite story is about Ares and Athena. My favorite story about Ares is when he fought in the Trojan War. When he heard weapons clashing, he smiled in glee, put on his helmet jumped into his chariot, and drove it into the hottest part of the battle. When we was injured, he would scream loudly, run up to Mt. Olympus, and Zeus would punish him for yelling so loudly.

I hope you have fun reading my posts!